Please make sure your M5 battery and R6 remote controller are fully charged.

1. Turn on your M5 drone by pressing power button for 3-seconds then, turn on our R6 controller by unfolding its arms.

2. Wait for about 40-seconds to let the connection between M5 and R6 set up. Once the blue LED on the R6 becomes solid, use your mobile device to search for the WIFI broadcasting signal from the R6.

3. Run the downloaded M5 App and tap on " Start to Fly" on the bottom. Now you may see the connecting status is showing "Disconnected", also no battery or satellite info is shown. Select setting icon to the top right. 

4. Inside the connection setting, type your 6 digits drone code (can be found on the back of the package box), the password is "wingsland". After that press, the orange button "setting" and you will see a successful pop-up prompt. You might be asked to reboot your M5 App after connection setup.

5. Now the connection among M5, R6, and your mobile device should be successfully set up. Attention: We strongly encourage users to fly the M5 in an open area. Flying M5 indoor is not recommended.